[tab title=”About the Campaign”]
Reckless Faith is more than a book. It is designed to be a growth experience that can be enjoyed by one person, a small group, a class, or an entire congregation. Ideally, the learning happens on three levels:
- Personal study. There is an eight-week long Bible reading guide provided in the book and on this website. Participants can meet with God, one-on-one, and allow the Holy Spirit to teach them each day as they read the Bible. They can also follow along by reading the book, Reckless Faith.
- Church-wide worship experience. Reckless Faith can also include learning together as a congregation for eight-weeks of worship services. Preaching resources and ideas are provided at no cost on this website.
- Small group interaction. After a person has read seven days of Bible passages on the topic of each chapter and learned from a sermon among God’s people, the same topic is investigated in a small group setting. There is an eight-week small group video curriculum that provides teaching for each topic of study in Reckless Faith. There are eight weeks of small group resources provided in the back of the book, Reckless Faith. When we take time to learn on all three levels: personal, church-wide, and in small groups, the lessons go deep and can last for a lifetime.
[tab title=”Campaign Resources”]
I have partnered with Baker Publishing and we have tried to provide as much support as we can to help you lead a great Reckless Faith campaign for your church. Here are some of the tools:
Reckless Faith, the Book
The book has eight chapters and each one address a distinct and important aspect of what it means to live a reckless life of faith following Jesus. See book details and purchase
Reckless Faith DVD
This eight-week teaching curriculum follows the chapters in the book. Each session is around ten to twelve minutes long and will provide teaching to launch your small group into a rich and meaningful discussion about real life issues and biblical truths surrounding all of the topics in the Reckless Faith book. Purchase DVD
Reckless Faith Videos
Here are some great promotional videos to help kick-start your Reckless Faith campaign.
Small Group Discussion Questions
In the back of each copy of Reckless Faith is an eight-week small group study. Rather than publish a separate small group guide and charge people, we wanted to give these resources free with the book. These questions will help your group dig into the Bible as well as each chapter of the book. Most importantly, they will help you apply the truth of the Scriptures to your life and create a place for group sharing and the accountability we all need. (Free with the book)
Marketing Materials
As you seek to promote and spread the word about doing a Reckless Faith Campaign at your church, we want to help you. We have provided promotional videos, art work, and other helpful resources. (Free on this website)
[titled_box title=”Feel free to use the following materials to promote your campaign” variation=”green”] [download_link link=”https://kevingharney.com/wp-content/files/largeposter.pdf” variation=”green”]Download 8.5″ x 14″ Poster (PDF)[/download_link]
[download_link link=”https://kevingharney.com/wp-content/files/smallposter.pdf” variation=”green”]Download 8.5″ x 11″ Poster (PDF)[/download_link]
[download_link link=”https://kevingharney.com/wp-content/files/bulletin.pdf” variation=”green”]Download bulletin insert (PDF)[/download_link]
[download_link link=”https://kevingharney.com/wp-content/files/handout.pdf” variation=”green”]Download handout (PDF)[/download_link]
[download_link link=”https://kevingharney.com/wp-content/files/web_banners.zip” variation=”green”]Download web banners (Zip File)[/download_link][/titled_box]
Free Preaching Resources
Every preacher and communicator has their own style and approach to communicating God’s Word. What I have provided are eight weeks of seed material to get you started on writing messages for the Reckless Faith series. I don’t expect any preacher to try to reproduce what I would preach. But, I love to give ideas, illustrations, biblical content, and a wealth of resources to get you started. In the preaching resources you will find eight-weeks of materials to help as you shape and prepare a biblical message that fits your church and unique ministry setting.
[download_link link=”https://kevingharney.com/wp-content/files/sermons.pdf” variation=”green”]Download the Preaching Resources (PDF)[/download_link]
Bible Reading Program
Here is an eight-week Bible reading program that will tie in perfectly with the reading of the book, the preaching of the Reckless Faith messages, and the small group resources. This is also in the back of the book.
[download_link link=”https://kevingharney.com/wp-content/files/readingguide.pdf” variation=”green”]Download the Reading Guide (PDF)[/download_link]
Reckless Faith Campaign Schedule
Reckless Faith is designed to be an eight-week, church-wide experience. But, you can also use it as a four-week or six-week campaign. This document provides three options for walking with your church as you go through Reckless Faith.
[download_link link=”https://kevingharney.com/wp-content/files/campaignschedule.pdf” variation=”green”]Download the Campaign Schedule (PDF)[/download_link]
[tab title=”Videos”]
Kevin Speaks to Church Campaign Leaders about Reckless Faith
[vimeo url=”http://vimeo.com/42994307″]
Kevin Speaks to Pastors About the Reckless Faith Campaign
[vimeo url=”http://vimeo.com/42990927″]
Use this promotional video to learn more about Reckless Faith and Share it with your church leaders.
[vimeo url=”http://vimeo.com/43645527″]
Use this video of the Introduction to Reckless Faith to learn more about Reckless Faith and Share it with your church leaders.
[vimeo url=”http://vimeo.com/43645697″]