Joy is a missing element in the lives of so many people in our world. The idea that we can walk in consistent, deep, rich joy seems like a dream to so many. Yet, the second fruit of the Spirit is joy (Galatians 5:22-23). When you walk joyfully with Jesus, in the power of His Holy Spirit, even in the tough times, you show the people around you that God is alive and real in your life. When they ask you how you can be so joyful, let them know that the reason your joy is enduring is that the author and source of Joy is your closest friend. Tell them about Jesus.
One note, true joy is not a fake grin, a perpetual declaration of, “Praise the Lord,” or pretending things are fine when you are hurting. The joy that God offers, and the joy that will resonate with those who are still far from God, is an honest awareness that whatever we face, we are loved, forgiven, and God has something amazing in mind for us today. This kind of joy is honest and carries us through each day.