I love the local church and I hope you do too. But, I am aware that there is a certain gravitational force surrounding the church that pulls people in. Just like gravity keeps our feet on the ground, so this force in the church pulls believers to each other. This is good, to a point. It is good to be in fellowship, to encourage each other, and to worship the Lord together. We are called to gather as believers and warned not to forsake gathering with God’s people.
But, we also need to be out in the world. We are called to be salt and light. We are to “Go” make disciples of all nations. Sometimes the goodness and comfort of being with like-minded people in the church can draw us in when we should be pressing out. If you are part of a healthy and loving local congregation, there are often many activities and responsibilities that pull us in and together.
If you find yourself spending lots of time gathered with God’s people and discover that you have very little margin and time to be with those who are still wandering like sheep without a shepherd, it might be time to press out. Fight the gravity that pulls you into the church and press outward. Look at your schedule. If you are not getting time with friends or family who are still far from Jesus, make the time. If church stuff has enveloped your life, change your schedule. If you don’t have friends who are still far from God, make some new friends.
Be honest, if the gravity of the church has pulled you in, press out! “Go” and make disciples of all nations, starting with your own neighborhood!