Pray for Someone
Next time you are in a restaurant, let your server know that you will be saying a prayer for your meal when it comes. Tell him or her that you would be honored to lift up any prayer they might have as you pray for your meal. Let them know that when the food comes they can share a personal need or a need for someone they care about…if they want to. No pressure!
You will be amazed at how many servers are willing to share a need, and often a very personal one! Pray for them by name when you meal comes, if they share a need. The next time you dine at that restaurant, ask to be in their section, ask about the specific need, and invite them to share a new need. Often some very natural spiritual conversations will grow from your prayers and growing friendship.
Get trained in sharing your faith naturally. Here are two ways to get started:
Come to the Organic Outreach Conference this November in Monterey California
Read one of the Organic Outreach books: Organic Outreach for Ordinary People, Organic Outreach for Churches, or Organic Outreach for Families.