Thank you for taking the time to complete this spiritual growth self assessment. If you’d like to track your progress over time, we encourage you to click on the Print or PDF button at left to save a copy of this results page, and retake the assessment in 90 days.
Below is how you scored in the seven categories of our spiritual growth metrics:
Fruit of the Spirit
What steps will I take to grow my character to look more and more like Jesus?
- Commit Galatians 5:22-23 to memory.
- Celebrate where I see growth in the fruit of the Spirit in my life. Lift up prayers of thanks and ask God to keep growing these areas of my character.
- Take time to humbly identify which of the fruit of the Spirit need to grow in my life. Then, take steps to grow in these areas.
- Ask people I respect how I am doing in growing and exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit. Specifically, invite these people to tell me what fruit of the Spirit they believe need to grow in me. Even dare to ask what actions I can begin or stop that will grow this fruit.
- Set one or two personal goals to accelerate my growth in the fruit of the Spirit I am weakest. Invite one or two respected and trusted Christian friends to keep me accountable in these growth goals.
- Take time to go deeper into this area of spiritual growth by reading chapters 1, 2, 3, and 9 in the book Seismic Shifts, the little changes that make a BIG difference in your life, by Kevin Harney.
- Watch the sermon on this spiritual marker of growth from 2.11.18 on the Shoreline website: https://tinyurl.com/y9nflzzb
The Bible
What steps can I take to grow in my knowledge of, love for, and obedience to biblical truth?
- Read the Bible daily. If you need help with this, consider one of these ideas: Use a one-year Bible reading program. Read one chapter of the Gospel of John each day and keeps notes about what you learn about Jesus. Meet with a pastor and ask for help designing a personal Bible reading plan.
- Study the Bible by using a Study Bible. Read the Bible daily and also read the study notes.
- Listen to the Bible when you wake up, drive in your car, or take walks.
- Discuss what you are learning from the Bible with friends who love Jesus.
- Teach others what you learn from the Bible informally or investigate how you can get involved in teaching at your Church.
- Sing songs that are based on Scripture and let biblical truth fill your heart and mind.
- Memorize passages that encourage or convict you.
- Live out what you learn from the Bible and put it into action.
- Take time to go deeper into this area of spiritual growth by reading chapter 5 in the book Seismic Shifts, the little changes that make a BIG difference in your life, by Kevin Harney.
- Watch the sermon on this spiritual marker of growth from 2.18.18 on the Shoreline website: https://tinyurl.com/ydddje38
Prayer and Worship
What steps can I take to go deeper in prayer and worship?
- Set a time and place for prayer each day and be consistent.
- Keep a prayer journal that includes answered prayers and prayers for people who do not yet know Jesus.
- Use a prayer list for groups like: Family / Pastors / Friends / People who need to meet Jesus / Local, State, National, and World Leaders / Others you care about.
- Seek to break out in spontaneous prayer and worship in the flow of an ordinary day when you have moments alone with God.
- Sing with passion among the people of God when you come to church…really grow in this!
- Commit to attending church weekly, even when you are out of town.
- Choose to listen to worship music more often throughout the day.
- Pray with others when they share a need or joy.
- Write a Psalm of praise, confession, or adoration and share it with someone.
- Take a fifteen to thirty minute silent retreat where you listen for God’s voice. Turn off your devices, but take a piece of paper and something to write with.
- Pray the Psalms.
- Prayer walk your neighborhood, work place, or community. As you walk, pray out loud or silently. It could be fun to do this with one or two other Christians.
- Take time to go deeper into this area of spiritual growth by reading chapters 4 and 6 in the book Seismic Shifts, the little changes that make a BIG difference in your life, by Kevin Harney.
- Watch the sermon on this spiritual marker of growth from 2.25.18 on the Shoreline website: https://tinyurl.com/y7ruml53
Humble Service
What steps can I take to increase my spiritual maturity through serving for Jesus and like Jesus?
- Plan and schedule acts of service in your normal week.
- Celebrate and recognize the faithful service of others by thanking them with a text or a note.
- Make specific acts of service part of your normal day or week (At church and at home).
- Take 10-minute mission trips when you walk around and look for fun ways to serve others…be anonymous when you can.
- Determine what “Foot Washing” looks like in different settings and seek to do the lowest and most humble kind of service…really stretch yourself!
- Take a Spiritual Gifts class or assessment and discover your God-given gifting. Then, find a way to use this gift at church, in your home, or in the community.
- Take time to go deeper into this area of spiritual growth by reading chapter 11 in the book Seismic Shifts, the little changes that make a BIG difference in your life, by Kevin Harney.
- Watch the sermon on this spiritual marker of growth from 3.4.18 on the Shoreline website: https://tinyurl.com/yaslkqdt
Joyful Generosity
What steps can I take to grow as a joyful giver?
- Pray for God to lead your giving and grow your passion to be generous. Dare to ask God to help you see how good He has been to you and how all you have is really a gift from Him.
- Make a commitment to give a set amount to your church every week or month and stick to this.
- Make a decision to increase your giving by one or two percent in the coming weeks. Do this until it becomes natural and then seek to step it up another one or two percent.
- Make a list of twenty-five things God has given you. As you look at this list, identify two or three of these things that you can share with increased generosity.
- Look back over the past twelve months and honestly evaluate how generous you have been. Talk with God about this and ask for His insight on your generosity.
- Simplify your life in some practical way so that you can be more generous in the coming year.
- Plan your personal giving strategy for the coming months and seek to stick to it.
- Set up ways to track giving and review it regularly to see how you are doing.
- Take time to go deeper into this area of spiritual growth by reading chapters 13, 14, and 15 in the book Seismic Shifts, the little changes that make a BIG difference in your life, by Kevin Harney.
- Watch the sermon on this spiritual marker of growth from 3.11.18 on the Shoreline website: https://tinyurl.com/ybl2nt8l
Consistent Community
What steps can I take to enter deeper into community with other Christians?
- Greet one new person each time you come to church.
- Join a Small Group/Life Group/Growth Group in your church.
- Lead a Small Group/Life Group/Growth Group in your church.
- Become part of a service team at your church.
- Share meals, fun, conversation, and life with others.
- Invite people to your home.
- Take time to go deeper into this area of spiritual growth by reading chapters 7, 10, and 12 in the book Seismic Shifts, the little changes that make a BIG difference in your life, by Kevin Harney.
- Watch the sermon on this spiritual marker of growth from 3.18.18 on the Shoreline website: https://tinyurl.com/ycesffhe
Organic Outreach
What steps can I take to raise my outreach temperature and behavior?
- Get trained in sharing faith by taking a class on personal evangelism.
- Read the book, Organic Outreach for Ordinary People by Pastor Kevin Harney.
- Spend time with people who are far from Jesus and pray for opportunities to share the love and message of Jesus with them.
- Read the story of Jesus (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in the New Testament) and pay attention to how He loved people who were not religious and who were far from God. Write down five lessons you learn from Jesus and try to follow these.
- Pray for and with people who don’t yet have a relationship with Jesus.
- Practice telling your story of how you became a Christian. Do it out loud and have someone listen and tell you how you can be clearer and more articulate.
- Start doing a 1-1-1 Prayer where you pray for one lost person at one o’clock each day for one minute. Ask God to draw this person to Himself and to give you boldness to share your faith. If you don’t like doing this at 1:00pm, you might want to try 9:00pm and make it a 911 prayer.
- Ask spiritual questions of your non-believing friends. You will find some ideas in the Organic Outreach book.
- Take time to go deeper into this area of spiritual growth by reading chapters 16, 17, and 18 in the book Seismic Shifts, the little changes that make a BIG difference in your life, by Kevin Harney.
- Watch the sermon on this spiritual marker of growth from 3.25.18 on the Shoreline website: https://tinyurl.com/y8vf92ku
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