Great leaders have BIG brains! This is not a comment about education or IQ, but about a hunger to learn. I get to interact with all sorts of leaders and I am often struck by the reality that great leaders are hungry to learn. They read books, follow blogs, listen to people who know more than them, digest the Scriptures, and love to learn. Because of this constant intake of fresh new information and wisdom, their brains are BIG!
On the other hand, I also encounter leaders who have very little desire to expand their knowledge or drink in the wisdom of others. These leaders often love Jesus, but they don’t seem to be processing fresh ideas, they are not grappling with the teaching of the Bible, and they are not being coached, mentored, or apprenticed by a wise person. With time, their brain seems to shrink and they fall into the rut of regurgitating the same messages and ideas.
As you head into the weekend, ask yourself, is my brain growing? Am I drinking fresh new truth? Do I have a BIG brain?