We love to share the creative things we do with our sermon content and artwork.
You can find our past sermons (in audio and video format) in two places:
- First, you can find them on our media page. [fancy_link link=”http://www.shorelinechurch.org/resources/media/” variation=”green” target=”blank”]Go to Sermons[/fancy_link]
- You can also find lots of other media ideas and examples on our Vimeo page. On this site you will find update ideas, creative video pieces, sermons from mid-week services and weekends, and much more. Anything we have developed that is not under a copyright you are more than welcome to use. [fancy_link link=”http://vimeo.com/channels/shorelinechurch” variation=”green” target=”blank”]Go to Vimeo[/fancy_link]
- You can go to my personal Vimeo page and link to a growing number of videos I have developed and sermons I have preached at Shoreline and in other locations. [fancy_link link=”http://vimeo.com/kevinharney” variation=”green” target=”blank”]Go to Kevin’s Vimeo Page[/fancy_link]